ABC 贸易公司 进口货物到货通知单
ABC Trading Company Advice of Arrival of Imports
到货编号: (有关联系请用到货编号) 地址: 电话:
Note No. Note No. Is used for inquiry Address: Tel:
进口口岸Import Port
运输工具名称及号码Means and Numberof Conveyance
进口日期Import Date
贸易性质(方式)Nature/Mode of Trade
提单或运单号B/L or Waybill No.
经营单位Operating Agency
贸易国别(地区)Place & CountryOf Receipt
订货部门Sold To
原产国别(地区)Point & Countryof Origin
合同(协议)号No. of Contract/Agreement
外汇来源Sources of ForeignCurrency
装船标记Shipping Marks
件数及包装种类Number & kindof Packages
毛重(公斤)Gross Weight (kg)
净重(公斤)Net Weight (kg)