Notes On Financial Expressions-A(17)金融专业术语注解
英语词汇 | 中文释义 | 详细注解 |
aggregate demand | 累计总需求 | A macroeconomic value equal to the sum of all personal consumption expenditures, business expenditures, and government expenditures in a particular time period. |
Aggregate exercise price | 总执行价格 | 1. 选择权合约交易的数量与单位履约价格的乘积;即投资人交易选择权商品,执行权利时必须支付的履约价款的总和。 2.The strike price of an option times the number of underlying securities in the contract. When calculating the aggregate exercise price, the premium paid or received on the option is not considered. |
aggregate rental receivable | 应收租金总额 | 出租方根据租赁合同中相关条款,在租赁期间内应向承租方收取而尚未收取的租金总额。 |
aggregate risk | 综合风险 | 银行因其与客户的现货和期货合同所产生的外汇资产随汇率波动而发生损失的全部风险。 |
aggregate supply | 总共给 | A macroeconomic value equal to the sum of all goods and services produced in a particular time period. |
aggregate supply curve | 总共给曲线 | Analogous to the supply curve, a theoretical graph showing the aggregate supply at different price levels. |
aggressive | 积极性的 | An investment strategy characterized by a willingness to accept above-average risk in pursuit of above-average returns. Usually favors stocks over bonds, especially stocks of rapidly growing companies, and sometimes employs buying on margin, options trading, and arbitrage. |
Aggressive growth fund | 积极成长型基金 进取性增长基金 | 1. 寻求资本最大限度增值的较活跃的基金。其中,多数资金投于具有较高增长潜力和风险的普通股票。为增加收益,该基金常使用投机性的经营策略。 2. 以投资高成长公司股票为主的共同基金。其收益来源集中于资本增值,来自股利的部分极少。因而也称为最大资本利得基金( maximum capital gains funds )或资本增值基金( capital appreciation )。 3.A mutual fund which aims for the highest capital gains and is not risk-averse in its selection of investments. Aggressive growth funds are most suitable for investors willing to accept a high risk-return trade-off, since many of the companies which demonstrate high growth potential can also show a lot of share price volatility. Aggressive growth funds tend to have a very large positive correlation with the stock market, and so they often produce very good results during economic upswings and very bad results during economic downturns. An aggressive growth fund might, for example, buy initial public offerings (IPOs) of stock from small companies and then resell that stock very quickly in order to generate big profits. Some aggressive growth funds may even invest in derivatives, such as options, in order to increase their gains. |
AGI | 可调整总收入 | Adjusted Gross Income. The amount used in the calculation of an individual‘s income tax liability; one‘s income after certain adjustments are made, but before standardized and itemized deductions and personal exemptions are made. |
Aging schedule | 账龄分析 | 1. 将资产负债表上应收账款的余额,依据过期的时间分组排列,以显示应收账款的结构与回收可能性。 2.A list of accounts receivable broken down by number of days until due or past due. |
Notes On Financial Expressions-A(18)金融专业术语注解
英语词汇 | 中文释义 | 详细注解 |
Agio | 换币手续费;折扣 贴水 | 在欧洲常用来表明银行为客户以纸币换辅币或以辅币换纸币时所收取的手续费或价差。主要包括以下四种: 1. 一种货币同另一种货币之间币值的差异。 2. 票据兑换成现金时的费用,或把一种货币兑换成另一种货币的费用。 3. 硬币同相等金额的纸币间价值的差异。 4. (货币)面值与较高价格之间的差异,通常用百分比表示。 |
agiotage | 汇兑业务 股票买卖 套利差额 | 主要指两种货币间进行兑换时发生的差价(升水或贴水)。投机者可以使这种差价缩小,也可能使这种差价扩大。当一个国家的国际支付发生逆差时,这种差价往往会产生。 |
Agrarische Termijnmarkt Amsterdam ( ATA ) | 阿姆斯特丹农产品期货交易所 | 座落于荷兰阿姆斯特丹的农产品期货集中交易市场,该市场自 1958 年起陆续推出马铃薯、活猪、乳猪、小麦等农产品期货合约,该交易所交易厅由 9 个经纪商,以公开喊价的方式处理交易。 |
Agreement among underwriters | 承销团协议 | 1. 证券发行的承销集团成员之间的共同承销事项的协议。也称为承销团合约( syndicate contract )、购买集团协议( purchase group agreement )。 2.A contract between members of a syndicate, appointing the originating investment bank as the lead underwriter, defining the members‘ proportionate liability, and authorizing the manager to allocate units to a selling group. |
Agreement Among Underwriters (AAU) | 承销团协议 | Legal document used principally in negotiated sales by underwriters. The document consists of the instructions, terms and acceptances, and the standard terms and conditions. |
Agreement of the International Monetary Fund | 国际货币基金组织协定 | 1944 年 4 月在美国新罕布什尔州的布雷顿森林举行的有美、英、法、中等 44 个国家参加的联合国货币金融会议所通过的两项协定之一, 1945 年 12 月 27 日生效。据此,国际货币基金组织正式成立。 |
agreement rate of exchange | 协定汇率清算汇率 | 根据两国政府间支付协定进行双边清算而使用的汇率,如针对贸易、贷款、经济援助和经济技术合作等方面的协定而制定的汇率。它的运用和结算,必须按两国间协定的有关规定办理。协定汇率可以是官方汇率或市场汇率,也可以是协商规定的另一种汇率。 |
Aid-Link | “联系制”方案 | 全称为《特别提款权分配与发展援助相联系》方案,是指货币基金组织把新创造的特别提款权通过下列某一方法用于对发展中国家的开发援助: 1、 把新创造出的特别提款权直接分配给需要援助的发展中国家; 2、 把新创造出的特别提款权转拨给多边开发机构,然后再由多边开发机构援助给发展中国家; 3、 仍按各国在基金组织的份额进行分配,然后发达国家把分到的特别提款权以“自愿”的形式转赠给发展中国家。“联系制”方案自 20 世纪 60 年代末 70 年代初提出后,经过十余年的争论,最终未能被国际货币基金组织所采纳。 |
Air–pocket stock | 空中陷阱股票 | 指受到不利消息(如大幅调降盈余目标)的影响,价格快速大幅滑落的股票。 |
Airport revenue bond | 机场收益债券 | 美国地方政府为扩充机场设施,所发行的免税债券。本息的偿还来源以机场的营运收益或设施租金收入为主。 |
Notes On Financial Expressions-A(19)金融专业术语注解
英文词汇 | 中文释义 | 详细注解 |
Airway bill |
货物托运人与空运公司签署的一份文件,用于表明货物收据及运输责任之文书。空运提单至少有三份,货物托运人及空运公司各执一份,另一份则随同货物一并运至目的地。 | |
Alberta Stock Exchange | 亚伯达证券交易所 | 原名为卡加利证券交易所(),成立于 1913 年,于 1974 年更改为现在名称,该交易所交易的证券有股票、认股权证及债券等,均以自动化交易系统撮合交易,结算则透过西加拿大结算公司( West Canada Clearing Corporation )完成。 |
alert | 警惕 警报 | A notification, often by email or pager, of a market event such as a stock reaching a target price. |
Alien corporation | 外国公司 | 1. 依据国外相关法令成立的公司。 2.A corporation which was incorporated under the laws of a foreign country; here also called foreign corporation. |
alienate | 疏远 | To transfer a property title. |
alienation | 过渡 | 1. 将财产或权益转让给他人。 2.The transfer of property, whether voluntary or involuntary, from one entity to another. |
Alienation clause | 产权转让条款 | 1. 在抵押贷款中允许承押人于抵押资产产权转让时,有权要求原抵押人清偿所有借款,是加速偿还条款之一种。 2.A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property. |
alimony | 赡养费 生活费 | Payments made to a separated or divorced spouse as required by a divorce decree or separation agreement. |
All in | 全含 | 指已考虑相关的佣金及各项费用后的证券利率。 |
all monies clause | 全数款项条款 | 银行按揭契约中的条款,订明按揭涵盖一切按揭人(即借款人)在任何时间和账户所欠银行的款项(包括到期利息及银行在对抵押资产行使权利时所有有关费用在内)。 |
Notes On Financial Expressions-A(20)金融专业术语注解
英文词汇 | 中文释义 | 详细注解 |
all or any part | 全部或部分执行 | 1. 经纪人在委托投资账户中,在客户规定的价格限度内自主执行全部或部分指令。 2.A stipulation of a buy or sell order for a discretionary account which instructs the broker to fill whatever part of the order he/she feels is appropriate, at the specified price. |
all or none offering | 全部销售或取消销售 | 1. 指新发行证券的公开销售。全部证券必须在特定日期前售完,否则所有销售都将取消。 2.A stipulation of a buy or sell order which instructs the broker to either fill the whole order or don‘t fill it at all; but in the latter case, don‘t cancel it, as the broker would if the order were fill or kill. 3.A term used in underwriting indicating that if the underwriter isn‘t able to sell all the shares offered, then the offering will be canceled. |
all or none order | 全部委托或不委托 | 指买卖证券时,必须根据委托规定的所有数量进行交易,否则就取消指令。例如,投资者可能要求经纪人以每股 50 美元的价格购买 1000 股 XYZ 股票,如果该价格只能购买到 500 股,则不能执行该指令。 |
allegation | 主张 辩解 | An assertion of fact, to be proven in court. |
All-holders rule | 所有股东规则 | 禁止公司或证券发行者限制部分股东的认购权利;即新股发行时,现有股东均应有权认购新股。 |
Allied member | 联合会员 | 1. 指纽约证券交易所会员公司的股东或合伙人。联合会员依规定不得于交易厅内进行业务。 2.A general partner or voting stock holder of a NYSE member firm; allowed to perform transactions on the exchange floor. |
alligator spread | 鲤鱼 | 1. 选择权合约的经纪商对价差交易收取较高昂的佣金,使得该价差交易部位几乎无利可图。以 [ 鲤鱼 ] 形容将投资人活吃生吞。 2.A position consisting of a combination of put options and call options that collectively create commissions so high that it is almost impossible to turn a profit regardless of which direction the underlier moves. The term originates from the idea of the spread "eating the investor alive." |
all-in cost | 总计成本 | 包括一切附带费用的总成本。 |
allocation | 分配 | 1. 在发售证券中,若认购额大于发行数时,安排机构便会按一些准则将发行数配予认购人士,这种做法称为分配。 2. 在融资安排(例如银团贷款)中,若银行参与兴趣大,则银行愿意承贷之数可能会比借款机构欲借数目大,在此种情况下,安排机构便需将欲借数额分予愿承贷的银行。 3.The systematic distribution of a limited quantity of resources over various time periods, products, operations, or investments. |
allonge | 附签 | A paper attached to a negotiable instrument to enable writing endorsements when the back of the bill is full. An allonge is rare because bills of exchange are no longer very common. |
Notes On Financial Expressions金融专业术语注解待续。